VARSET 1.2 | Set variables ... | Download (9Kb) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
VARSET sets variables with various file related information, and offers
integer arithmetic and string operations. Long file names are supported under
Win 9x/2000/XP (not under NT). The syntax is easy to remember, e.g.: call var set FD=date of filename.ext To set the environmental variable a SET instruction is generated, and automatically executed through the CALL VAR SET .. construct (this also works under Win NT/2000).
Options: Change upper/lower case, right aligned strings, leading zeros, thousands separators. |
VARGET 1.2 | Get assignments from INI file | Download (5Kb) |
With VARGET you can get assignments from a (Windows style) INI file, and
make them available as environmental variables. Section names are supported. Example: call var get [desktop]wallpaper from %windir%\WIN.INI To generate the variables VARGET uses the same CALL VAR construct as VARSET.COM (Win 2000/XP compatible). Several assignments can be extracted with a single command. Example: call var get MAIL,SOURCE,ADDRESS from XJOB.INI VARGET offers an easy way to use INI files for your own batch projects. To save environmental space you can activate variables only when you need them. See also: IniFile (DOS), IniFile (32bit) |

LMOD 1.3 | Line & List Modification | Download (12Kb) |
LMOD extracts data from an input source (STDIN): from
redirected DOS screen output, for example, or from any (ASCII) file.
The extracted information is inserted into a given text or command
string, and sent to STDOUT for redirection into a file. You may extract a complete line, a part of it (starting column, size) or words (by number), even several items from a source line in any order. And this will be done either for a single line, or for a given range of lines of the input source. What you can do with LMOD:
Special Features:

ISDATE 2.4 | Compare Dates | Download (3Kb) |
IsDate compares two dates, including date tags of files and directories, TODAY.
Date format acc. to COUNTRY. Optional difference (plus/minus days). Example: IsDate C:\arc\foo.txt before today-7 The result (TRUE/FALSE) is returned by errorlevel. Features:

WCLIP 2.2 | WINDOWS Clipboard Tool for DOS | Download (3Kb) |
WCLIP sends redirected/piped DOS text to the WINDOWS clipboard. Example: DIR | WCLIP It also reads from the clipboard, sending the text to STDOUT (for redirection to a file). Extended ASCII characters are converted according to the country specific "OEM" font. Options:
32 bit Windows command line tool: ClipText.exe |

FIND 2.3 | FIND Tools | Download (9Kb) |
XFIND scans files for a string (optionally in all subdirectories), and
reports all files where the string was found. Example: XFIND "anything" C:\some\where\*.TXT *.DOC *.ASC /s > result.txt Features:
TFIND scans a single file, and reports all lines where the given strings were found (Boolean AND). A FOR loop can be used to scan several files. Example: TFIND "this" "that" TEST.TXT > result.txt Features:

INIFILE 1.2 | INI File Read/Write | Download (5Kb) | ||||||||||
INIFILE handles Windows type INI files with section names
in square brackets, and assignments of the form: item=string.
INI files without sections are also supported. Maximum file size is 60Kb. Syntax:
Items, sections, and INI files are generated if not found. When an item is removed, the section will also be removed if no items are left. Reading an assignment sends a SET statement to STDOUT for redirection to a temporary batch file. Not supported in this version: