DelAge32|64 2.56 | Delete or move files by age | Download DelAge32 32 bit (18Kb) Download DelAge64 64 bit (20Kb) |
DelAge32 deletes or moves files with a mimimum age
given by the number of days. Syntax: DelAge32 filespec days [options] The files are specified by search pattern (e.g. *.* for all files), with relative or absolute path. Options include: /recurse (subdirectories), /subonly (excluding initial directory), /includeRO, /includeH, /includeS, /rd (remove empty subdirectories), /move target, /created (use "created" time stamp instead "last modified"), /accessed .. Example: DelAge32 "C:\some\where\*.*" 100 /recurse Deleted files are listed with age (number of days). The output can be redirected to a file (as UTF-8 by default). With option /preview the action can be safely tested without actually deleting or moving files. More info.. |
WasFile 2.4 | Compare file time&date | Download (8Kb) |
WasFile compares ..
comparison: [not] before|after|sametime Option to compare date only, ignore time: /DateLocal or /DateUTC Result by errorlevel: 0: true, 1: false, 255: error (message to STDERR) |
CSVsort 1.23 | CSV list sort | Download 32 bit (28Kb) Download 64 bit (35Kb) |
CSVsort is a console sort tool for
CSV lists. Features:

IniFile 1.92 | INI File Tool | Download 32 bit (9Kb) Download 64 bit (11Kb) |
IniFile handles Windows type INI files with section names
in square brackets, and assignments of the form: item=string. Syntax:
Items and sections are generated if not found. The INI file must exist. Reading an assignment sends a SET statement to STDOUT, which can be redirected to a temporary batch file, or processed with a FOR /F construct. |

ClipText 3.0 | Copy text from Clipboard to file v.v. | Download 32 bit (9Kb) Download 64 bit (11b) |
ClipText copies plain text from the Clipboard
to a file or from a file to the Clipboard. Console output is also supported.
Text can be appended to the Clipboard or to the file with the /append option. |

Wait 1.01 | Stop and wait | Download (5Kb) |
Wait stops execution of a console script and waits
(number of seconds); cancel waiting by key possible.

CoColor 2.1 | Change console output color | Download 32 bit (6Kb) Download 64 bit (7Kb) |
CoColor changes the console color for the succeeding
console output, not for the entire window, like the built-in COLOR command. CoColor
uses the same color codes as COLOR. CoColor also accepts a sequence of color codes and text strings (each in double quote marks), making it a colorful ECHO replacement. Non-ASCII characters will be handled the same way as by ECHO. Demo.CMD is included |

CMDfocus 1.1 | Console window to foreground | Download (4Kb) |
CMDfocus brings the current console window to the foreground
with keyboard focus. CMDfocus also offers an option to minimize the console window When a batch is running in the background or minimized, and you want to see the results when the job is done, insert CmdFocus followed by PAUSE. This will bring the console window to your attention, and allow any key to continue the batch (to close the console, for example). Options: /beep /center /min |